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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Say Hello to Alfie!

27th April 2008

Say Hello to Alfie!

We got a dog! His full name is Lord Alfred, but we’re planning to only call him that when he’s being bad. =) He’s a Chow mix and is about three years old. He seems super friendly, and has the cutest little hop when he’s excited, although he’s a little sad now since the woman who’s been fostering him for three months just left. She got him from a pound so we don’t know what his history is, which is a little scary, but according to her, he hasn’t been destructive and doesn’t jump on people, which is good, but he tugs on the leash a ton and doesn’t understand “come” or “stay,” which is not so good. We’re planning to take him to doggie (and people) training school as soon as possible. We’re hoping with daily brushing, he won’t shed a mountain of hair everywhere.

Right after I got over the excitement of getting a dog, the weight of responsibility starting sinking in. I hope he like us. I hope we can train him. I hope he’ll be happy here. For the time being, he’s confined to a relatively small space when we’re asleep or not there (which he’s not happy about). We plan to give him free reign of the house, or at least the downstairs, after he’s gotten use to us and his new home. We’d gotten a Chow mix because Chows are supposedly a little more independent and feline in temperment. Hopefully he’ll be okay home alone on the days both T and I work.

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