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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Alfie Update

29th April 2008

Alfie Update

So far, so good. Alfie is still tugging on the leash and not responding so well to his name or any commands, but he’s quiet and non-destructive and gets along pretty well with other dogs and people. True to his nature, he’s a little obstinant and can be stand offish, but he’s not mean or aggressive. He’ll greet the other dogs at the dog park and then wander off to do his own thing, occasionally participating in a bout of chase if it happens to pass him. He’s gotten much friendlier with T and I. Last night, when I was sitting on the floor playing with him, he plopped himself on my lap. Keep in mind he’s a fifty pound dog, not a lap dog. I’m not sure if it’s something I should discourage (we’re going to take training classes soon), but it sure is cute.

Alfie has the added benefit of allowing us to meet more neighbors. We’ve met more neighbors in the day and a half that we’ve had him than in the nine months we’ve been living in our condo. Since everyone has a dog, it’s much easier meeting people in the dog park and walking around the neighborhood. The dogs give us something to do about and bond over.

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