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channeling charlie

the dot is not knowledge, the dot is us, we are knowledge
we are dots in small world networks of a large world network
we are the dot at the center of lessig’s matrix of what governs us

flat on my back with laptop propped before me
two excellent lines of staples lacing up my groin
in the aftermath of is2k7 wondering what happened in the afternoon
after i adjourned to the operating room
the archive of what was recorded not up yet

i wanted to write something to express my thought but wanted first to listen again to ethan’s lead off response to jp. i felt identity forming, not yet coalesced, but becoming self aware

university is a concept we express. we testify to it. we reify it with our thought and action.

nicolas negroponte
hero all around

we express it in our conference
stucture substance trajectory
we express it in our selves

now listening to my own mp3 recorded through the telephone
derek bok
mission of university
discover knowledge for its own sake
renew culture
advance civilization
achieve greater understanding of our heritage
explore the deepest problems of human existence

which reminds me, here are my notes from friday morning





just listening to derek and steve respond to terry’s questions at the outset value enough in the day. I heard in their words a charter for the future. so wonderful to here derek’s deep friendly voice speak as champion. so great to hear steve back him up with truth and science.

excellent start

what an amazing feeling to be lying on my back listening to the unfolding audio of our conference, imagined as a future event, virtual in the mind, real yet still i am imagining its reality

jp calls on terry. i’ve been there. i called on fred friendly once, him sitting in the audience yet present in my mind as dominating authority, had to wrestle to get it back

anne speaks. clear voice, moving forward, just the facts, 99.9% figure hits like a brick
way to go jp filling out .01 percent
it’s a seed

how are they registered, how are they identified, the citizen’s of the net
how will we be sure that they will stick to the use
how tight will be our information bubble in rhetorical space

just a hypothetical, humphrey bogart 20 seconds, will you do it, jeremy rises, can’t conceive of company denying, wrong of harvard counsel to ask, /clap

movie industry users of content, fighters for free speech

sid expounds harvard square principle, tells his course pak story, will he tell them that he just went ahead and copied
serious note, lack of clarity, hear fear, feel timidity

alex sounds a balance note, don’t destroy until you have new model

deighton doright’s after fame, as mercenary as anyone, hbs all the way, mammon plays his part.

okay time to turn to empathy, where is the heart of the struggling corporation, enough talking to ourselves. we need to hear from elsivier
jeremy, ys chi, the other lords of copyright came here to speak to us with us to listen. speak to us. deighton, be sure they get it out

imagine this as a kind of negotiating table, meta table
a lot of pain of university put on the table
there is pain on the other side
speak your pain
what do you want from us
what do you feel we have to offer
constitute negotiation at a meta table in second life even if just in imagination?
each affinity group controls its avatar
make an agenda, sit down and talk

will it violate chatham rules to put this on my blog? how might appropriate permission be given?


when appropriate (in my judgment) to an open project and not sensitive (in my judgment) in terms of privacy, i may post email to my blog. all privacy requests respected.

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