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Bizarre US-Russia parallels


In both countries, the wealthiest citizens are suddenly deeply involved in national politics.  What is it about this season?  In Russia, the two wealthiest citizens are in jail and in exile, with assets suddenly frozen or confiscated.

And in the US, three of our wealthiest countrymen [all in the top 10, I think] are taking on the politicians currently in office – either striving to replace them as governor of our wealthiest state, advising the same, or pledging their billions to unseat the sitting president

Local politics


Get to know your local candidates, all ye Cantabridgians.  Elections are coming up on Nov 4.

Beautiful concepts


Old men crying — the subject matter is most compelling; articles thankfully accompany most images.

Airtoons — more than just Fight Club versions, though it’s hard to improve on a perfect execution.

Then there are the copycats of glory, like Nothoo.   And even Harpers liked the J-Dogg transcripts enough to publish a few last month.

Channelling spare cycles into new [limbs]


Of course, now someone has to come up with metrics for how much coordination synergy and productivity are lost as the number of available tools increases, how much time it takes to become fluent with a toolbox of a given size, how these things break down with fatigue, debility, and stress, etc.

We don’t want any “massive Ginger recall initiated due to injuries when it runs out of power” oversights for brainstem implants, do we?

James Bond role model


Dies age 90. Wrote memoirs of his time in the secret service during WWII (some of it under Ian Fleming’s command).

Security channels


Steve Ballmer, talking about computer researchers who publish vulnerabilities in Microsoft’s products [emphasis mine], after recent outbreaks of MS-security violations, and email-worms exploiting Outlook security holes:

I wish those [researchers] just would be quiet… It would be best for the world.


The Agony of Mass-produced Indifference


or, ‘what happens when you lose your taste buds but refuse to notice’.  On literary prizes, “isn’t that better than nothing?”, and Stephen King.

Hollywood Access #: Clark & Son


Clark & Son (Clark Jr, screenwriter) storm Hollywood, starting with the Clintons’ cadre of long-time friends.

Clinton prepares to run?


Could be nothing.  But don’t go acting all surprised.

Blogger Interview with Clark


Talking Points Memo rides out from the airport with the General, and chats him up. Nice.

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