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Shuttling Shit Between ImageJ and R


Incredibly slow moving day. Monkeyed around with getting measurements written to file from ImageJ, which you’d think would be easy. And it is. Don’t know why it’s taking me this long; lack of focus, I guess. Got part of the way through doing this and figured out that I’ll need just three ImageJ macros, plus some counting trickery, to do it all:

  1. Set magnification—a macro or set of macros to set the pixel:µm scale for each of the objectives I’ll be using to make my measurements, the first step after taking a picture down the scope.
  2. Write linear results to file—a macro to extract the values from the “Length” column of the results table, pair them with the image filename, and append them to the pipe file. This will do for all of the length, width, and shell thickness measurements.
  3. Write area results to file—a macro to subtract the 2nd through nth values from the “Area” column of the results table from the 1st such value, then append that value to the pipe file along with the image filename. This will calculate the pore area percentage value from the raw measurements of total area and pore areas.
  4. Number trickery—haven’t figured out exactly how this will work, but since I’ll be making measurements on multiple images with separate results windows, I’ll need to keep track of which measurements I’ve made and which number I’m on. Haven’t figured this part out yet.

Aborted day fairly early due to DSA followed by (yet another) job talk. This the penultimate one, thank goodness.

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