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Opening night of Resfest was good, though not spectacular. I confess to both disappointment and relief–having worked with the Boston Underground Film Festival, I am attending partly to see if they found better films than we did. And I’m happy to say that the best film in the lineup was a film we showed in Underground–Peter Cornwell’s Ward 13 (pictured). It’s hilarious and was definitely the audience fave, but I voted for a different film, Jo-Jo in the Stars. I’d seen Ward 13 so many times already and figured everyone else was voting for it so one vote against won’t hurt.

Guy says the “By Design” program today will be better, so I’ll let you know…

3 Responses to “Resfest”

  1. guy
    September 18th, 2004 | 11:29 am

    Few words on my experience of the screening.

    Ward 13 was definitely the best, it was the only one that had animation timing right (although in a weird way, maybe “we don’t want to die” also had timing right, but it wasn’t really the same). And it was definitely the only one that had a script that was engaging.

    I’ve actually never seen such fast paced stop motion animation, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this movie is going to be taught in animation classes for years to come.

    Two years ago, 80% of the movies in “By Design” were stunning, and my other favorite was “Terminal Bar” a weird one-man documentary, that eventually won the audience award. If you can get a hold of it, you should watch it.

    Jo Jo was beautiful (although I thought the character models were a cop out). Whoever did the lighting on it is a genius. The animation was most of the time good. But the script? Did they google it?

    Same for the one with the little kid soldier. Beautiful drawings, nice 2D-3D combination and good soundtrack, but what was that script about?

    anyway, it’s been so long since i’ve been in a movie theater that I was orgasmic just by that, and for a movie experience, even last night disappointing ResFest opening was better than 5* **r**t d***s

  2. cynthia rockwell
    September 18th, 2004 | 11:43 am

    what’s 5* **r**t ds ?

    i definitely agree ward 13 was the best, i’ve just seen it too many times. although i’m not sure i totally agree about the script–sure it was engaging, but a long string of fight and chase scenes isn’t all THAT complicated in terms of storytelling. and as for the kid soldier movie–i agree that script sucked. though i did like the animation.

  3. cynthia rockwell
    September 20th, 2004 | 3:44 pm

    p.s. the by design program was good but not great…felt like watching a bunch of commercials…and apparently lots of them were…