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Web Page Analyzer:

It does what its title says, a neat summary and analysis of your site. Google got a perfect rating, got 3 cautions, got 1 caution. The site itself, looks like it had a lot of data, but got a perfect score. The site also has monthly internet bandwidth reports. “Broadband share in the US should exceed 50% by June of 2004.” If you are interested in more broadband news, you can read, The many paradoxes of Broadband.

One Response to “Web Page Analyzer:”

  1. Mark Lynch
    September 3rd, 2003 | 8:12 pm

    Looking at the sites code it is very clean – However, they have embedded the style sheet instead of linking it externally – which will in the long run result in slightly slower pages – A minor point. Generally a pretty useful site but take all advice with a pinch of salt.