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Paolo Valdemarin and Matt Mower lowered the barrier to add metadata on blogposts through ENT module for RSS. Joho, the blog asked the right question, “How can the barrier be removed?” Ans: By integrating the topics with serach words in google. So the bottom line is, create your own topic roll every time a new topic crosses your radar. Try adding meta data to your posts. If you are too lazy like everyone, just create the topic roll and create keywords for each topic and search your site or the web in google. Clicking on the links in the topic roll will take you to the posts in that topic and also show which other topics the post falls into. If you use google to get posts in a topic, you have to little bit of work to show the other topics in which a post falls. Also, put a link to the mega topic roll that adds all the topic rolls in each topic page. I believe this mega topc roll is k-collector. Searching the related URL in technorati, will also give more information on the topic.

K-Collector …

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