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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

The Great Glider Dilemma

2nd September 2010

The Great Glider Dilemma

posted in Baby Cakes |

Hi All (two of you who read my blog)!  Sorry to leave y’all with such a downer post.  You’ll be happy to know this week has been much better (knock on wood).

One of the things T and I have been focused on lately is getting a glider/ottoman for the nursery.  It’s been super difficult to find an inexpensive glider that fit both T and I – always a problem whenever we need furniture because of our height disparity.  Really nice gliders that are made to last can cost upwards of $1,000 or more (as we found out when we went to the LA Rocking Chair Store).  Even moderately nice, large gliders from a chain store (which appearantly often break down after a couple of years) can still run $500-700.  Smaller and/or cheaper gliders can cost anywhere from $100-400.

Ideally, we wanted to buy one of the nicer gliders used.  Towards that end, we’ve been stalking Craigslist.  T found the perfect glider/ottoman (pictured without the matching ottoman below) for $150 on Craigslist Saturday. 

We immediately called and were able to schedule an appointment to see it that same day, so we headed out to Malibu (wondering the entire time why anyone who could afford to live in Malibu would bother selling stuff on Craigslist…). 

We loved the glider!  It was comfortable for both of us, had thick cushions and an automatic locking system, was in good condition, was 1/4th its original price, and even fit our color scheme.  In short, it was PERFECT…except that it squeaked!  T’s not one to let something like that bother him, but we both thought there was a high probability it would drive me nuts.  So we hemmed and hawed, debated, flipped-flopped and considered a ton of other gliders in all price ranges.   

Finally, I decided (T basically left the decision up to me as he knew I’d be harder to please) that I would ask if the seller would accept $100 for the glider and ottoman – figuring at that price I could either tolerate the squeaking or we could buy another glider later if it really drove me nuts.  To my surprise, the seller quickly agreed (this is evidently the bonus of buying from someone who can afford to live in Malibu – she didn’t really seem to care how much she sold it for, she just wanted to get rid of it quickly) and T and a friend picked up the glider and ottoman the very next day!   It’s currently sitting in our nursery, where it barely squeaks at all (maybe because its on carpeting and not in the garage, as it was when we saw it).  I’m so thrilled with our purchase and am totally in love with Craigslist.  =)

The nursery itself is still a mess, but it’s shaping up.  Once I convince T to part with the guest bed and we get the crib, I can start decorating for Baby Cakes!

There are currently 2 responses to “The Great Glider Dilemma”

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  1. 1 On September 2nd, 2010, Betty said:

    Did you try to grease it?

  2. 2 On September 2nd, 2010, Y. said:

    Yes, the seller had WD-40 so we tried it in her garage and it helped but didn’t stop it entirely. We couldn’t locate the exact cause of the squeaking which may have been the problem. I’ve been looking up other things to try but it really only squeaks if you rock too far back on it now, which we don’t anticipate doing anyways.