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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

21st December 2005

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

I know I’ve mentioned a couple of times that I don’t do diamonds.  Mostly because it’s easy.  They don’t really tempt me.  I’m too practical to be deeply enamored of jewelry and I don’t like being manipulated by DeBeers (the blood diamonds thing aside).  I don’t advertise it, but anyone who knows me well knows I won’t buy and don’t wear diamonds.  Anyone who doesn’t know me well certainly wouldn’t be buying me diamonds.  Or so I thought. 

Today, SP, the best boss and possibly best person in the world, surprised A1, A2, and I with diamond earrings.  I seriously love this woman.  Anyways,  I just hope she never notices I never wear them.

So I know I promised to keep this blog relatively content-free (which is why I’m not linking to any articles or discussing Robertson’s resignation), but I have to ask –  at this point, if the New York Times broke the news that Bush ate babies for breakfast, would the nation even blink?

posted in The Slightly Deeper End, This Little Blog | 1 Comment