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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

The Inner Geek

11th December 2005

The Inner Geek

My Roomie’s pointed out that my posts of late have been slightly more academic…more intellectual…more content filled then usual.  I half-heartedly protested, but was convinced when Rommie said, “Listen, I like them too much, okay?” 

When your brilliant, academically bent, seven year grad student, PhD candidate, former Harvard Law roommate tells you she likes your posts too much, you know it’s time to worry.  So I apologize.  I apologize for venting about the direction of the Supreme Court.  I apologize for raving about words I love.  I apologize in advance for the uber-geeky (but hilarious!) Christmas cards I bought and may or may not actually get around to sending out. 

I try to contain my inner geek, but sometimes she sneaks out.  Like at the holiday party I was at today – where I jealously eyed someone else’s white elephant (gag) gift:  a DVD documentary of the 1893 Chicago’s World’s Fair.  After having read Erik Larson’s The Devil in the White City, I find the 1893 World’s Fair fascinating.  Enough so that I ended up stealing the DVD at the end of the night, forcing me to face a fair* amount of derision from the other guests.

* Um, no pun intended.  (Okay, okay, I intended to make the pun – I’m sorry – I need help.)

P.S.  In an attempt to get my posts back on track, I should note that I spied this beautiful Michael Kors bag at the party.  I saw it in the bag room but never did find out who it belonged to. 

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