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hail sid verba – hero on hero

the following from my email out, for reasons which will appear. i wish i could give it to you in gmail format but my digital skills are not yet sufficient.

Charles Nesson
to undisclosed-re., hulsearc, (bcc:Jonathan), (bcc:William), (bcc:Charles), (bcc:Stuart)

show details
4:46 am (3 minutes ago)
i recommend juan carlos de martin.
i celebrate sid verba for leading harvard into the digital age

juan carlos will be at the berkman center noon til 2 on february 5, 2007. members of your search committee are warmly invited to meet him.

i should say in explanation of this email appearing on my eon blog that in hitting reply_all i get a cc to undisclosed-recipients, which made me smile but also think that gmail code would not let it go out like that, and so precious did it seem that eon blog became just another way to get a message through, and steve i was not sure who is at the other end of hulsearch@camail

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On 1/25/07, Steven E. Hyman wrote:

Dear Colleagues and Friends:

Please see below a letter I sent in December seeking your input on the search for a new director of the Harvard University Library. The search committee has begun its work in earnest, so I would like to renew my invitation to you for suggestions of candidates.

Any communications received are treated confidentially by me unless they contain an explicit request that they be shared with the committee.

Steve Hyman


Dear Colleagues and Friends:

As you know, Sidney Verba, Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor and director of the University Library, has announced his intention to retire at the end of this academic year. As we begin our search for the next director of the University Library, I write to share with you information about the search process and to solicit your views on the needs of the Library, the qualities we should seek in a new director, and particular candidates.

A search advisory committee, consisting of faculty members as well as the College and Law School Librarians, will have its first meeting in January and will continue to meet throughout the winter and spring until a new director is named.

I am grateful to the following individuals who have accepted the invitation to serve on this committee: Peter Bol, Nancy Cline, Kathleen M. Coleman, Nancy Cott, Farish Jenkins, Harry (Terry) Martin, Dan Moriarty, Charles Rosenberg, Nancy Rosenblum, Diana Sorensen, Lloyd Weinreb, and Christoph Wolff.

Identifying the best possible director is an important priority for the University, and President Bok and I expect to devote considerable energy and attention to the process. We would greatly appreciate hearing from you with regard to the future of the University Library and individuals we should consider for the directorship. Please submit comments to You should also feel free to be in touch directly with Clayton Spencer and Stephanie Gumble in the President’s Office (617-495-9090), who will be helping me in staffing the search.

With all best wishes,
Steven E. Hyman

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