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27 July 2004

Random thoughts from the top of the DNC

Ted Kennedy is speaking as I write this, even if I can’t post until later….

There’s a bit of a feeling of optimism here, it seems.  The
Democrats act and speak as if they have little to hide; they’re
consistently on message; they are presenting a message of considerable

Now, I grant that much of that is due to the fact that this is a modern
political convention, in which the whole thing is a show of unity.

But the Democrats act as if they’ve spent more than just one presidential term in the political wilderness.

On another note, part of the problem with blogging the convention is
that it’s unclear what one can do here, especially if you can’t get on
the interweb thingy to read and link to other stuff.

Random question:  Who ARE the people who get to sit on the podium
for short periods of time?  They get cycled on and off pretty

Wait a minute.  Jerry Springer is visiting the bloggers….

All right.  Back.  (It’s hard to keep a consistent thread of thought going here.)

My theory about the stage people is that they are delegates from
critical states and this is their pre-reward for getting out and
getting people going about Kerry.

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One Response to “Random thoughts from the top of the DNC”

  1. Sean Says:

    Nate: the people cycled through the podium are designated sitters. Today’s National Journal handout had an article about one of them.