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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Almost There?

29th November 2010

Almost There?

I started to panic last week when I realized I was due very, very soon and neither T nor I really knew what to expect during labor. For some reason, despite my propensity to over-plan, I haven’t given it much thought. I’d decided early on I didn’t want to take a birthing class…they just seemed so long, boring and expensive!  “How difficult could it be?”  I thought.  The doctors and nurses basically tell you want to do, right?

Well, the more I read about it the more I realized there’s a lot to consider, so I bought a birthing preparation DVD which T and I are slowly working through.  It’s scaring us a bit, but probably better to be scared and prepared than oblivious.

Anyways, 5 days left until my due date, although I’m somewhat resigned to going over.  I don’t appear to be showing any of the pre-labor signs.  =(  Baby Cakes hasn’t even dropped yet.  I have another appointment this Wednesday but doubt they’ll be able to tell me much.  In a spurt of optimism, I bet T that Baby Cakes would make an appearance within 2 days of his due date (December 4th) but T thinks he’ll be a week late.  I was convinced Baby Cakes would be early, but am starting to doubt my convictions.  Logically, I know most first time moms run late, but I’ve heard about/read of so many people delivering their first babies early, I convinced myself that was the norm.  But my doctor brought me down to earth last week and I’m trying to stay realistic.

It’s probably for the best in any case.  I’m miserably nursing a horrible cold right now and am not in the best condition to be giving birth to and taking care of a newborn.  Can’t breathe, can’t sleep, and throat is super sore.  Laying down aggravates the congestion and sore throat while standing/sitting worsens the swelling and water retention (fingers and toes feel puffy and painful).  It’s a no win situation.

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