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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Stay Puft

28th October 2010

Stay Puft

My feet are bloated.  They start out okay in the morning but look like puffy little balloons by the end of the day.  I had to take my wedding ring off because my fingers are a little bloated too, so I’m wearing a fake ring in the meanwhile.  I think my face is getting puffier, but it’s hard to tell since its kind of round to start with.  Not a happy camper.

posted in Baby Cakes | 2 Comments

19th October 2010

46 Days Left!

A little over six weeks left until Baby Cakes’ due date!  In the meanwhile, he’s busy baking and kicking away.  As for me, sleep is getting a little bit harder – more bathroom breaks, leg cramps, and hip pain.  Fortunately, no insomnia yet (keeping fingers crossed).

The days are also getting more uncomfortable.  I am huge and getting bigger every day.  I feel a little bit like Godzilla lumbering down the street.  I swear, cars stop and stare.  Although the ultrasound a couple of weeks ago showed that Baby Cakes is average baby weight, I’m still measuring big.  The doctor at my last appointment (I see different doctors in the same practice) thought Baby Cakes was going to be an eight-pounder.  When I informed my little sister B of this, she reminded me that she was eight pounds.  Between her and the nine pound babies on my husband’s side, I’m a little worried…

posted in Baby Cakes | 2 Comments