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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps


10th December 2008


The holidays are just flying by! Here’s a quick catch-up post:

On Thursday, Thanksgiving day, we drove up to my parent’s house in San Jose. T’s mom and brother joined us for a fun, family-filled, and dog filled (in addition to Alfie, whom we brought with us, my parents have 2 pomeranians and T’s mom brought Buddy Lee), dinner. My mom, sister, and her boyfriend (a professional chef) went all out with the food. We had two turkeys for the 11 of us, as well as a pork dish, two types of shrimp dishes, broccoli casserole, pasta salad, cranberries, and mashed potatoes and gravy. For dessert we had pumpkin pie, cookies, and a jello cream cheese layered dish I love. Afterwards, T and I joined my friend C and her boyfriend and family for more dessert!

On Friday, we went up to San Francisco for dinner with my Quad friends at a yummy Thai place, and then to a party afterwards to celebrate J turning 30. I had so much fun. Almost enough fun not to regretted it the next morning when I felt on the verge of death.

On Saturday, we saw Bolt. Super cute. And we ate lots and lots of crab. My mom makes the best crab.

On Sunday, we drove to Fresno to put up T’s mom’s Christmas lights and Christmas tree. After fighting traffic for five hours we made it back safe and sound to LA late Sunday night.

Last weekend we had guests over. While the boys watched football the girls scrapbooked (my newest hobby). I’m 2/3rds of the way done with my wedding scrapbook. We also bought some Christmas lights and decorated our place a bit. We decided to skip the tree since it was too much work and we won’t even be at our place to enjoy it on Christmas day, but maybe next year!

As for the next few weeks, we’ve got work and friends’ holiday parties and then are heading back to Fresno for Christmas. My parents and sisters have indicated they might come to T’s mom’s house to visit over the holidays. I hope they do as I’d love to have the entire family together again!

So there you have it. If you don’t hear from me for awhile – Happy Holidays!

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