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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Alfie the Pooh Bear

10th October 2008

Alfie the Pooh Bear

Alfie was recently invited to a costume birthday party, so last night T and I were brainstorming costume ideas for him. It occurred to us that since he already looks somewhat like a bear, we could capitalize on that and dress him up as Winnie the Pooh. It would be simple, cute, and, most importantly, inexpensive since all it would entail was getting him a red shirt. We greatly underestimated how difficult this would turn out to be.

After failing to find any Winnie the Pooh pet costumes online, or appropriate red pet shirts, we decided to see if one of T’s old, red t-shirt would work. It didn’t.

Alfie was not a happy camper. He was unhappy about being forced into a shirt and extra unhappy about the fact that he kept tripping over the thing since it was too long and too big for him. In fact, although he had it on for less than 30 seconds and we immediately tried to get it off of him, he started panicking and making whimpering noises and generally acting as if we were viciously abusing him instead of putting a shirt on him for 30 seconds. So, yeah, it was a no go. Plus, honestly, Alfie didn’t look like Winnie the Pooh. He just looked like a poor miserable dog in an old t-shirt.

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