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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps


27th May 2008


posted in Friends, Family, Et Al., The Wedding |

While in line at Chipotle on a Monday night. . .

T: Psst. Hey, do you think that girl in front of us has gotten a nose job or something? Something looks off.

Me: No. She just has tons of makeup on which looks weird ’cause it’s Chipotle and it’s a Monday night and she’s wearing sweats.

T: Oh. Yeah, I think that’s it. You’re so much better at being catty than I am.

Me: Well, you’re still learning.

So yeah, we’re catty. And we were at Chipotle last night. The weather was gorgeous Monday so we’d gone biking earlier in the day and felt semi-justified in the indulgence. Rest assured, I was looking properly sloppy and makeup-less! =)

Aside from Chipotle’s, I had a very bad weekend invoving many meals out and off of my diet. (At least I made my 11 mile run on Sunday!) T’s friend was in town for the weekend so we met up with him and his new girlfriend for dinner Saturday and Sunday. We may have gone to In-N-Out one of those days and I may have gotten a hamburger and fries animal style. (Sooo good. The sauce makes the fries all soggy, just the way I like them!) I went shopping with my girlfriends Sunday morning so there may have also been a visit to a food court (where nothing healthy is ever to be found). And somewhere in between all of this, I may have polished off a box of truffles a friend of mine had given me. (Shhh, T doesn’t know about the truffles. . . ) Ugh. Feeling a little sick and chubby today! Not good since I have to pick up my too-tight wedding dress next weekend.

Aside from eating and shopping, I saw Indiana Jones with T and his brother. We thought about sticking around for the new Narnia movie, but were too tired. (Okay, truth to tell, my back starts to hurt after an hour of sitting in a movie theater so I wasn’t feeling it. Is this a sign of what’s around the corner from my 30th birthday?). The movie was okay in case you’re interested.

Also, I finished the envelope liners for our wedding invitations!! Yay!

I did not finish (or even start) any of the Economists piling up on our coffee table. Boo. It turns out our friends are right. There’s definitely a certain sense of guilt that develops from not reading the Economist after one subscribes to it. It’s like not doing your homework. Well, maybe this weekend. . .

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