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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

The Dress

18th December 2007

The Dress

posted in Friends, Family, Et Al., Running, The Wedding |

I bought my wedding dress this weekend!! After unanimous approval from both the Girlfriends and the Sisters, and a little whimpering over the price, I handed over my credit card (which was emitting its own pathetic whimpers). I love, love, love the dress though and can’t wait to wear it! Oh, and to get married and all that of course. =)

My weekend got off to a nice start Friday night, when we had dinner at C&O with a couple of T’s friends. Unfortunately, we had to call it an early night because I had to get up at 5:oo a.m. for a 20 mile run the next morning. The run, my first 20 mile run since the Marathon in March, was great! Aside from a brief moment at mile 15 when I wondered if I could go on, the run was fun and fairly relaxed.

T and I spent most of Saturday cleaning house and preparing for the dinner party we were hosting for some of my friends who were visiting from out of town. Dinner (aka take out pizza and snacks) was fun, although we bailed on going out afterwards in favor of watching Battlestar Galactica Razor and going to sleep early. Because that’s how we roll.

Fortunately, I got in a lot more together time with them on Sunday, when they came over for brunch, wedding dress shopping, and cupcakes. After they left, T and his brother dragged me to do more manly things – like watching I Am Legend. Which I actually only saw 1/3rd of as my eyes were firmly shut for 2/3rds of the movie. Either because I was scared, anticipated being scared, or was recovering from a scare.

There are currently 2 responses to “The Dress”

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  1. 1 On December 20th, 2007, T's brother said:

    I don’t think you should read The Road. It’s even creepier than I Am Legend. It’s beautifully written but it’s disturbingly dark, like 10x more so than I Am Legend.

    I don’t know what Oprah was doing recommending this as her book club. Mothers across America must be scarred from this book. Creeeeeeepy.

    Oh, before I forget, you and T should check out
    since I know you guys are looking at TVs.

  2. 2 On December 21st, 2007, Y. said:

    Eek, I just read a description of The Road on Wikipedia. I SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT!