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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Retail Therapy

18th January 2007

Retail Therapy

posted in Friends, Family, Et Al., Pretty, Shiny Things, Running |

Been feeling blah all week.  Partly because it’s abnormally cold here right now (seriously, how in the world did I survive three years in Boston?), partly because I’ve actually caught a cold (T has taken to calling me the Germinator), and partly because work’s been really busy (ack). 

To make myself feel better, I caved and bought this dress (in blue) during my lunch break today.  It’s amazing what a new outfit can do for your mood!   

For those interested, I had a nice, relaxing three-day break this past weekend. 

On Friday, I left work early so I could make it to downtown LA for a friend’s birthday party.  It was a fun, casual get together at an Irish pub, topped off by the most amazing banana cream cheesecake ever, made by the birthday girl herself.   

Motivated by the aforementioned amazing cake, I dragged myself out of bed at 6am on Saturday morning to do a 12 mile run with my running group.  It was one of the most miserable runs I’ve been on, mostly because I was freezing cold the entire time, despite my long pants, long sleeves, gloves and hood.  Also, my new waterbelt was chaffing the small of my back.  Oh, and because my contact lenses have been bothering me lately, I wasn’t wearing them and consequently couldn’t see anything.  Woe is me.  Fortunately, I survived (barely).  Spent the rest of the day recovering and preparing for a small dinner party we were throwing later that night.  And by “preparing” and “throwing,” I mean “not really doing anything” since my wonderful little sister B did all the cooking (panini’s, spinach and artichoke dip, and tiramisu).  

I was sinfully lazy on Sunday and did absolutely nothing, unless you count watching Battlestar Galactica all day as something. 

Monday found me slightly more productive.  Tried a new dim sum place with Roomie, T and T’s brother and then saw Pan’s Labyrinth (good, but definitely not my usual light-hearted fare).  Bemoaned having to go back to work the next day for the remainder of the night. 

There are currently 2 responses to “Retail Therapy”

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  1. 1 On January 20th, 2007, garrett said:

    i too saw pan’s labyrinth, and while good, not quite what was expecting. i had been hoping for something a it more magical. but it was good none-the-less and i feel so smart having seen a foreign film. but i really wanna see happily n’ever after and arthur and the invisibles… if only to hear what accent madonna is using this time.

  2. 2 On January 24th, 2007, Y. said:

    I wanted to see Happily N’ever After, but it got such horrible reviews even I was dissuaded…