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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Feed Me

25th September 2006

Feed Me

posted in Friends, Family, Et Al., Running |

Still prepping for my October marathon in SF.  Woke up insanely early for my 22 mile run Saturday morning.  Apparently I was the only one who made it as the two friends who were supposed to meet up with me both overslept!  Having done it myself on a couple of occasions, I couldn’t very well blame them.  Ended up braving the dark, deserted streets of Santa Monica by myself.  Not my wisest move.  Spent the first hour of the pre-dawn run terrified of shadows and spooky noises.  You all will be glad to know I survived the run however.            

Spent the rest of the weekend with T at his aunt and uncle’s house in Orange County.  Learned that I apparently eat much more (or at least much more often) than a regular person.  Was starving the entire visit.  I ordinarily snack throughout the day, but since I didn’t feel particularly free to poke around a stranger’s fridge (although I did forage once or twice for an apple), I spent much of the weekend in an advanced state of hunger.  I’ve learned my lesson.  I’m never spending the weekend away from home without a ready supply of snacks again!  My stomach still hasn’t forgiven me.  =( 

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