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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

P is for Purple Top

25th May 2006

P is for Purple Top

posted in Pretty, Shiny Things |

Purchased a neat purple top from Stars & Infinite Darkness, which sells clothing by independent designers.   

I’d surfed the site after seeing a reference to it on b is for bunnyshop, but held off on purchasing anything until recently.  The top arrived in the mail yesterday however and I’m happy to report it’s super cute and very soft.  Can’t wait to wear it! 

Yes, yes, I know – I’m supposed to be saving money…but there was a 15% discount…and I don’t have very many purple tops…and I’m supporting independent designers…and [insert justification here]… 

I’m off to Cabo tomorrow (where I will be sporting said new top) for my Second Annual Memorial Day Cabo Trip with the Wombat, the Frog, and BDP (who is sadly blogless) .  Have a great weekend all!

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  1. 1 On May 25th, 2006, HBo said:

    Cute top! Tad bit jealous of Cabo, but mostly happy and hoping you all have a fabulous time!