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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Riding in Cars With Girls

21st May 2006

Riding in Cars With Girls

posted in Running, The Kitchen Sink |

Went to the Laugh Factory with the Frog this weekend.  She drove because there was the possibility of parallel parking.  As I was getting into her car after the show, I accidently made eye contact with a stranger. 

Stranger:  “You don’t want to get into that car – get into our limo!  All you have to do is riiiiiiide!!” 

Me:  (*Gasp*) [internal monologue]  “Is she talking to me?  Could she mean what I think she means?  But I’m wearing my glasses.  I’m invisible when I wear my glasses!  Should I be offended?  Flattered?  Flustered?” 

I opted for flustered…with maybe a touch of flattered.  =)

Overall, it was a great weekend, despite an emergency coming up Friday afternoon that necessitated me frantically working between bouts of fun. 

Dined at a fantastic Polynesian-esque restaurant.  Best mac and cheese ever.  Rivaled even the scrumptious mac and cheese at Luna Park.  Drank slightly too much at a friend’s party afterwards, which made waking up at 7am the next morning to rush into work etremely painful…but not as painful as it could have been thanks to T, who, I later learned, surreptitiously sipped my drinks all night so I wouldn’t be hungover the next morning!

Braved the (potential, but never realized) rain Sunday morning for a thirteen mile run all by myself, having skipped out on the Saturday morning run to go to work.  Oh, and for anyone interested, Gmaps Pedometer is awesome for figuring out distances and planning runs.

Finally signed up for a MySpace account.  Please won’t you be my friend?  =) 

There are currently 4 responses to “Riding in Cars With Girls”

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  1. 1 On May 21st, 2006, echan said:

    I almost thought you came up to SF without telling me when you linked to Luna Park. But I forgot that they opened one down South.

  2. 2 On May 22nd, 2006, John said:

    What’s your MySpace URL? There are way too many [Y.’s] and Sweetpeas out there.

  3. 3 On May 22nd, 2006, Y. said:

    E – If I was sneaking into SF without telling you, I certainly wouldn’t post it on my blog! =)

    John – You just had to go bring up the Sweetpea thing, didn’t you? =) Anyways, I edited out my name, but sent you an invite.

  4. 4 On May 23rd, 2006, HBo said:

    So is T aware of your bi-tendencies!?