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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Beep Beep

14th May 2006

Beep Beep

posted in Running |

Sad.  Overslept this morning (full day at Disneyland yesterday) and missed meeting up with my running group.  Had to run 22 miles by myself. 

Realized that while I enjoy my own thoughts, four hours and ten minutes of self-reflection is too much.  Apparently, I’m not that interesting.  Contemplated starting conversation with random runners, but didn’t find one that was running in my direction at my pace who looked like they wanted to chat. 

Due to late start, had to run back through Venice during peak hours, dodging and weaving through people.  Probably rather obnoxiously.  Wish I had a horn to honk at people so they’d stop getting in my way.  Would probably not have helped with the obnoxiousness though.  Apparently self-reflection and crowds make me a little cranky.  Thought about saying “beep beep” as I passed, but didn’t have enough energy to execute.  Plus, not clear people would get reference to Roadrunner.  Also, realized Roadrunner wouldn’t have been passed by grandmothers and moms with strollers (was running rather slowly for last two miles).

Note to self:  Don’t oversleep again.

There are currently 2 responses to “Beep Beep”

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  1. 1 On May 14th, 2006, echan said:

    22 miles? Are you training for another marathon? Crazy.

  2. 2 On May 14th, 2006, Y. said:

    Was planning to do San Diego June 4th, but don’t think I’ll be able to with several trials coming up this summer. The next one I signed up for isn’t until October, but hoping to stay in shape generally. Plus, I ate a lot this week! =)