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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

5th April 2006

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

posted in Pretty, Shiny Things, The Kitchen Sink, This Little Blog |

Sorry about the lack of updates recently.  I keep sitting down to write something, but end up doing more online shopping.  Latest purchase?  These incredibly cute, but horribly impractical wedges:

Yes, they’re teal, and seude, and too high to be comfortable, but aren’t they adorable?

Aside from the distraction that is online shopping (speaking of which, now that Roomie’s no longer home to sign for things, I’m getting an embarassing amount of clothing/shoes/purses shipped to my work address), I’ve just been having an “eh” couple of weeks.  I’m in the midst of reassessing some things, which is making me a bit cranky.  I’m very bad at reassessment / introspection.  I’m much better at shopping.

I’ve also been suffering through, as the Frog so aptly stated, some Awkward Body Days (“ABD”).  I’ve found that there’s no rhyme or reason behind when ABD’s hit.  Sometimes, you just wake up to discover that overnight, your body’s been replaced by someone else’s.  And unfortunately, that other person’s body doesn’t quite fit right, that other person has bad hair, is breaking out, is pudgier than you are, and can’t seem to dress in anything flattering.  I don’t know if this situation is unique to girls, but I’m happy to report that the stranger has vacated (for now) and I’m back.

I think I’m going to celebrate my return by going to Disneyland this weekend! =) 

There are currently 6 responses to “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”

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  1. 1 On April 5th, 2006, vitamin_g said:

    boys have abd as well… at least the gay ones do.

    yay! dizneeland!

  2. 2 On April 5th, 2006, ML said:

    the shoes are adorable and there are many outfits that you can wear them with. Get them Cabo ready!


  3. 3 On April 5th, 2006, HBo said:

    Love the shoes, and I think appropriate medicine for abd. Do you have a DL pass? If so we should plan a DL day, not just the club 33 because that is probably a ways away. “A ways away” I like that I’ll have to make note of that fun turn of phrase. Sorry for my random stream-of-conscienceness babbling in your blog comments. I start writing and I can’t help myself. I think I may need to get one of these… hmmm….

  4. 4 On April 5th, 2006, Y. said:

    Yay! HBo, you NEED to start a blog! Of course, this doesn’t mean you can stop commenting on mine. =) I’ll look into the DL pass. I need to frequent Disneyland, corporate evilness aside, more often. =)

  5. 5 On April 5th, 2006, HBo said:

    Once you step foot in “the happiest place on earth” your corporate cynicism and the fact that DL is trying to take over the world with flagrant product merchandising will fade away. Or at least you’ll become more numb to the Stepford/Matrix take over of your mind as you become a cog in the DL consumerism. Numbingly silly grins can’t be all bad?! can they?

  6. 6 On April 6th, 2006, amb said:

    If I come visit will you take me to DL? I’ve never been to DL (or to DW) ever in my whole life. Do I have to come when roommie isn’t around to go to the happiest place on earth?