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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Goin’ to Arizona

6th February 2006

Goin’ to Arizona

posted in Friends, Family, Et Al., Lawyering and the Like |

I was going to write about my weekend in Arizona, but the Frog did such a great job here, I don’t really have anything to add! 

Oh, but while I have your attention, I might as well share a short work story.  So, I have my first hearing this Thursday.  I’m arguing two motions and am a little nervous (i.e., terrified).  I made the mistake of seeking reassurance from JP1, who, while fantastic, is not so warm and fuzzy.  When asked if he had any advice for me, he replied, “Don’t cry.”  I’m not making any promises.

In any case, I’m hoping if I use the word “clearly” often enough, the judge will rule in my favor.  For those lucky few reading this who aren’t lawyers, “clearly” is an attorney’s favorite word.  The magic in “clearly” is that it transforms mere speculation into incontrovertible fact.  It’s the blankie in our legal lexicon.  As long as we can cling to it, we’re safe.  Clearly. 

There is currently one response to “Goin’ to Arizona”

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  1. 1 On February 7th, 2006, ch said:

    I have a science equivalent to “clearly”.

    “It is intuitively obvious to the most casual observer…”

    It works. Sometimes. Like lawyers, scientists are taught to debate everything, so occasionally “intuitive observations” don’t fly.