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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Birth of a Tradition

19th September 2005

Birth of a Tradition

posted in Friends, Family, Et Al., WOTWIFLI |

I spent a very peaceful weekend in Eugene, Oregon.*  It was a mini-reunion of sorts – some of my best friends from law school traveled thousands of miles and descended on the tiny town in honor of a friend’s 30th birthday.  There were a few tears shed and a lot of laughter shared. 

The next few years will see several of us celebrating our own 30th birthdays.  If all the celebrations turn out as this last one did, maybe it won’t be so bad.  Happy Birthday C.  We love you.

*WOTWIFLI:  quiescent.

There are currently 2 responses to “Birth of a Tradition”

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  1. 1 On September 26th, 2005, vitamin_g said:

    i’m scared of 25, i don’t even want to think about 30.

  2. 2 On September 26th, 2005, Y. said:

    You’re just a baby!