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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Sleep Deprived

27th July 2005

Sleep Deprived

posted in Lawyering and the Like |

It’s bad when everyone in the office asks if those were the same clothes you were wearing yesterday.  And the day before.

Three days.  10 hours of sleep.  Two weeks.  No days off.  Running out of steam. . .

There are currently 4 responses to “Sleep Deprived”

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  1. 1 On July 28th, 2005, ch said:

    Sorry, Y! I know this doesn’t make you feel better, but I left work at 5pm today because the equipment I needed wasn’t available – so a week’s worth of work went down the drain. I’d rather be productive and sleep-deprived than have to tell my boss my work isn’t getting done.

  2. 2 On July 28th, 2005, echan said:

    That sounds absolutely painful. I couldn’t function in those conditions (10 hours of sleep / 3 days).

  3. 3 On July 28th, 2005, echan said:

    That sounds absolutely painful. I couldn’t function in those conditions (10 hours of sleep / 3 days).

  4. 4 On July 28th, 2005, vitamin_g said:

    you are the wonder woman of lawyers… i’ll have to get zeus to give you some silver bracelets to deflect any and all appeals that may come your way. (all i know about lawyers and the practice of law, i learned from law and order…so i don’t know much, so if what i said doesn’t apply to your “lawyering” jurisdiction please ignore or pretend that it does) 🙂