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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

More Randomness

19th July 2005

More Randomness

posted in The Kitchen Sink |

Because I’m fascinated by people I know nothing about, I find this interesting site addicting.  It was featured in the NY Times recently.  (Warning:  The site can be very disturbing and sad.)

That is all for today.  I promise my next post will contain some kind of plot.  Or character development.  Or something at least marginally interesting.  Or maybe just more randomness.  Speaking of which, my hair has been doing really well recently.  The water filter has worked miracles and the latest cut destroyed the last vestiges of the mullet.  (Die mullet!  Die!)

There are currently 2 responses to “More Randomness”

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  1. 1 On July 20th, 2005, JPN said:

    Wow…that is some incredibly depressing shit. And yet, I can’t stop looking.

  2. 2 On July 20th, 2005, ch said:

    Yeah, I’ve been addicted to that site ever since another friend told me about it.

    And I’m glad the hair is better. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t I the one who told you it might be the water? You owe me. BIG.