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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

A Series of Random Updates

19th July 2005

A Series of Random Updates

posted in Friends, Family, Et Al., Lawyering and the Like, Running, The Kitchen Sink, Weighty Issues |

This weekend I . . .

Hung out with a friend visiting from New York.  Apparently MB, the aforementioned friend, feels slightly slighted that I’ve never posted about her or our enduring, inspirational, movie-worthy friendship (happy MB?), so I’m making it a point to do so now.  We spent a good deal of the weekend lounging around my apartment and napping, getting up only to find another surface to nap upon, while my Roommate (another friend from law school) cleaned and did various other productive-type things.  This was reminiscent of law school itself, where I spent the better part of three years napping. 

Drove to Venice, searched endlessly for parking, wept at the utter futility of it all, gave up and went home. 

Inadvertantly ended up amidst a late night freeway drag race.  Because it’s California and stuff like that happens.

Met some new people and finally visited The Underground (the Frog‘s favorite bar in Long Beach).  I had a lot of fun, despite the fact that the eighty-year old woman who’s taken over my body recently demanded that I leave fairly early on in the night.  She was not happy to have been kept up past her bedtime.

Read the latest Harry Potter book.  Yeah, because I’m just not nerdy enough.  It was good, but upon completion necessitated an immediate phone call to my equally nerdy little sister so we could both bawl together.

Bought a boatload of new songs for Apple the ipod.  I’m not going to share which ones because you might stop being my friends if you knew my appalling taste in music (or lack thereof).

Got a little bit fatter.  For the millionth weekend in a row, I did not make it to the gym again.  And I’m supposed to start training for the LA marathon next Saturday.  Hey.  Don’t snicker.

Worked.  A lot.

Decided I’m going to write a romance novel.  Because, really, how awesome would it be to tell people that’s what you do for a living?  “Oh me?  Well, I used to be a corporate lawyer specializing in real estate litigation, but now I write romance novels.  What do you do?”

There are currently 4 responses to “A Series of Random Updates”

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  1. 1 On July 19th, 2005, ML said:

    Hey Y. TUG is in Hermosa! 😉

  2. 2 On July 19th, 2005, kq said:

    I read Harry Potter too. And I figured out what the initials stand for. Figured it out all by myself! I would totally buy your romance novel, and you need to write it under some provocative alias name. 🙂 Plus, you’ve got a whole slew of graphic designers who could design your cover!

  3. 3 On July 20th, 2005, Y. said:

    Email me KQ! We need to discuss important plot points!! I’ve given some thought about a nom de plum, but haven’t come up with a good one. I’m open to suggestions if anyone has one. And I hadn’t even thought about the book cover possibilities yet! Use my friends? Brilliant! Now there’s just the pesky writing the book part…

  4. 4 On July 20th, 2005, Y. said:

    Hermosa/Long Beach. LA/Santa Monica. You say tomato… =)