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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Pink Eye

20th June 2005

Pink Eye

posted in Friends, Family, Et Al., Pretty, Shiny Things, The Kitchen Sink |

I think I have pink eye.  I’ve never had it before so I’m not sure what the symptoms are, but if the symptoms involve having a pink eye, then there’s a good chance I have it.  How does anyone over the age of five get pink eye?!  I have a hard enough time getting the respect I deserve as a ferocious litigator (don’t laugh) without adding a pink eye into the mix.  This means I now have to sit down and figure out my firm’s byzantine health care benefits and find a doctor.  Joy.  I may just opt to put up with pink eye for the rest of my life. 

On a more positive note, I spent a relaxing weekend in San Jose surrounded by my doting family.  The only unpleasant interlude was a visit from some old friends of my parents, who proceeded to tell me how great I look now, as compared to the ball of lard I apparently was as a child.  Rather then valiantly defend my former pudgy (pudgier?) self, my parents merely laughed.  Ouch.

And for those keeping track, these are my purchases for the weekend:  several books, a suede hobo (I actually bought a bag, saw another one as I left the store, went home anyways, immediately regretted it, drove the nine miles back to the store, returned it and exchanged it for another one – in tan, not green like the picture, although the green one is gorgeous), fantastic cream/green slippers, and a white dress.  It’s helping me getting over the loss of my sole mate.  (G – you are too cute!)    

[UPDATE:  No pink eye.  Just my hypochondria acting up.  While at the eye doctor however, I did get new glasses.  I’m not one to pass up an opportunity to waste money.]

There are currently 6 responses to “Pink Eye”

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  1. 1 On June 21st, 2005, BD Princess said:

    Pink eye is VERY contagious. Get to the doctor Y!!

  2. 2 On June 21st, 2005, ML said:

    even adults get it too…but a pink eye alone doesn’t mean “pink eye.” it’s pretty easy to get infections that lead to a pinkish eye when you wear contacts. I once had something like that and all i needed to do was get new contact solution and switch to a new pair of contacts.

  3. 3 On June 21st, 2005, Scan said:

    It could just be an eye infection – I had one a few years back. Switched contact brands and got eye drops from the dr. It could also be an irritation from make up (why I don’t wear eye liner anymore).

  4. 4 On June 21st, 2005, Y. said:

    Thanks for the advice all! What I neglected to mention in the post was that one of my co-workers had pink eye last week and her office is two doors down from mine. I’m making an appointment to see a doctor today…

  5. 5 On June 21st, 2005, vitamin_g said:

    eeeewwwww. you have cooties.

    and yay for new clothes… i need some retail therapy right now.

  6. 6 On June 21st, 2005, kq said:

    That sucks about the pink eye, Y. To add to Scan’s comment, maybe it’s old mascara? that’s happened to me before. Your shopping purchases sound very nice, I’m jealous.