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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

Two Things I Miss Now That I’m Back In LA

2nd May 2005

Two Things I Miss Now That I’m Back In LA

posted in Life in LA |

1) The wave. As anyone will tell attest to (with very little prompting), I’m not a particularly good driver. I’m not horrible, but I get lost easier then most, I don’t always pay as much attention as I should, and I hate surprises. In my defense however, I strive to be a very considerate driver. To the extent I can reasonably do so, I let other people into my lane. I signal. I don’t tailgate. I WAVE when someone slows down to let me into their lane. If anything, I over-wave. I wave it if looks like the thought at least crossed their mind that they should have slowed down to let me in. Or if they would have slowed down if they weren’t already a safe ten miles behind me. Ocean aside, I have not seen a single wave in the eight months I’ve lived in LA. Really, would it kill people to acknowledge other drivers? (I assume the same fear causes people not to use their turn signals in LA.)

2) Electricity. I live in a rather densly populated area of LA and the electricity only occasionally functions in our area. According to my roommate, it’s out again and has been long enough to turn all of my food to mush and necessitate an emergency run to the grocery store on my way home from work. I don’t know what people in my neighborhood are doing all day that sucks up all of my electricity, but I sure wish they would stop it.

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