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Where is my donation going?!


That’s a very valid question. Where did your Give One half of the G1G1 go?

The Home Key on the XO-1

I’m part of a volunteer group at OLPC called the Support-Gang. We answer the great majority of user support questions that are sent to,, the OLPC Forum and on the IRC channel. Because of this I sometimes get some juicy information. This bit, I get to share :)

Walter Bender, president of OLPC had this to say:

Subject: Re: Cambodia & Haiti
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 02:10:21 -0500
From: Walter Bender <>

We are going to be hashing this out to a large degree on Monday. But I
do know that we are already preparing 10K machines for Mongolia, 1K each
for Haiti, Rwanda, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and Cambodia at the factory
now. The initial machines in all cases, as far as I know, are directed
to programs with government involvement, but not necessarily government


(Did you hear the news that Canada shipments are starting up finally!!)

This is great news!

Also confirmed in above email is that XO Shipments to Canada are on their way!!!

Lastly, if you would be interested in joining the Support Team it’s really not that hard, and we provide a little bit of training to get you started. At last count there are about 50! of us and the number is steadily growing. These are a great bunch of people so far (Kate, the Yale mathematician, is flat out amazing). If you’re interested in helping out, drop a line to Adam Holt (holt at laptop dot org) and he will ask for a short phone conversation.

External Monitor or Projector for the XO
OLPC Support, one great response

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