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Daily Archive for Saturday, March 4th, 2006


With noisy fanfare, David William Armstrong was released to an eager public on March 2, 2006, at 9:56 p.m. Although production delays plagued David’s release, prompting industry skeptics to question whether he would ever arrive, the sustained efforts of the delivery specialists at Brigham & Women’s Hospital yielded outstanding results. Early reviews have been mostly favorable, with several of David’s features drawing particular praise, including his weight (7 pounds, 6 ounces), length (19-3/4 inches), and countenance (cute as a button). Project leader Eisha Armstrong also earned strong praise for her tenacity and spirit. Other observers have voiced cautionary notes, however, pointing out that despite arriving in a period of rapid technological advance, David was born without a blog, a context-rich community-editable cloud of metadata tags, or even a Gmail account. When asked to comment, project manager Tim Armstrong alluded to the possibility of future upgrades to provide David with increased functionality in a pervasively networked environment. For now, he said, the successful launch had left the entire project team badly in need of sleep, and unable to focus on tasks more complicated than diaper changing. -TKA

Timothy K. Armstrong
Assistant Director, Clinical Program in Cyberlaw
Berkman Center for Internet & Society
Harvard Law School
Baker House
1587 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138