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28 February 2005

The culture wars are really a movie advertisement

I’ll bet you have never heard this before:

To those who seek removal of the displays – a six-foot red granite
monument that has sat since 1961 on the grounds of the Texas Capitol,
and framed copies of the Ten Commandments that were hung five years ago
on the walls of two Kentucky courthouses – the meaning is as obvious as
it is impermissibly sectarian.

“There is no secular purpose in
placing on government property a monument declaring ‘I am the Lord thy
God,’ ” Prof. Erwin Chemerinsky of Duke University Law School wrote in
his brief for Thomas Van Orden, an Austin resident who has so far been
unsuccessful in his challenge to the Texas monument. It is one of
thousands placed around the country in the 1950’s and 1960’s by the
Fraternal Order of Eagles with the support of Cecil B. DeMille, the
director, who was promoting his movie “The Ten Commandments.”

Let me get this straight.  These “religious” monuments were put
up, at least in part, to publicize a movie?  How utterly ironic….

You’ve gotta love America, where we serve God, insofar as He helps us to serve Mammon.

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2 Responses to “The culture wars are really a movie advertisement”

  1. david hart Says:


    i was just read an article about this case in the nyt and thought of you.

    two comments (if the statues really were part of a pr/ad campaign):
    1) we should make the statues even MORE american and put neon around them…
    2) the lawyer who first sued texas is homeless. how bout that for irony…

  2. Liz Renner Says:

    What’s wrong with letting God do a little PR? 🙂