Week 5

I really appreciated discussing American Apartheid and segregation in class. I think oftentimes when segregation is discussed, Brown v. Board of Ed. is brought up and it seems as if segregation has ended.  Denton and Massey’s analysis of racial segregation seemed pretty in depth. I like how they defined hyper-segregation.  I think it was also interesting what they said about Blackness being the opposite of Whiteness. I think originally I was kind of shocked and slightly appalled. However, I think when thinking about it, there is some validity to the statement. This was something I addressed in my last blog post about what makes someone blacker and how my intelligence was seen as being anti-black. Overall, I want to actually read this book in its entirety one day.

I also really appreciated Mary Pattillo’s book, particularly her analysis of the relationships between youth and the ghetto aesthetic. I like how she had the three categories of consumed, thrilled, and marginal. I think it was a really interesting interpretation of things. Also, it’s particularly relevant given the conversations regarding cultural appropriation.