Christian Floyd intro

Hello, my name is Christian Floyd. I’m a sophomore living in Leverett House, originally hailing from Nashville, Tennessee. I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to concentrate in, but I’m deciding between neurobiology and human evolutionary biology. Hopefully, the choice will be clearer after this semester! However, I am interested in medicine, so I am relatively sure about part of my academic path.


Last semester, I took AAAS 10 (the intro African American studies class), and I found it incredibly interesting. In addition to being a black man in American, that class influenced me to take this one because the material was so engaging and relevant. I really look forward to having great conversation in this class and interacting with you all.


When I’m not in class, I enjoy running and playing basketball. I’m also a member of Black Men’s Forum, HealthPALs, and Kuumba (a choir on campus that sings music from the African diaspora). I look forward to getting to know everyone in this class!