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Taft, you’re an inspiration to us all


Oh Taft you’re an inspiration to us all. Just LOOK at that mustache!

Taft, you're an inspiration to us all

in which Seth rediscovers domestication


Plain SALT, by XO loooooooooong drawn out sigh

I have rediscovered what home feels like.

For most of my time in Boston, I had been living in the fabled Maker House. This wasn’t an inherently bad place, I met some really amazing people there. But I was rarely there. I was spending 12+ hours at the office, and then a few other places around MIT and 1cc. I’ve learned amazing amounts, and accomplished some incredible things, but this was hardly sustainable.

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Comment from my day: figlet


isforinsects@isfor-science:~/git$ figlet if you cant generate big letters using ascii you are an inferior non-human being

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Social media tools for ’causes’


Education in Iraq Lately, I’ve been using flickr, twitter, and mailman as tools for my favorite cause. So far I’ve seen some neat results from using these that I don’t see a lot of others doing.  I will document some of the ways that I have been using these, and hopefully others will follow suit.

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Hello berkman center


I started at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society this past Friday, bringing my jobcount to roughly four.

At Berkman I will be working for Yochai Benkler.  Slightly under Aaron Shaw and Tim Hwang.  And with Roxy Roxie, Yael, Ayelot, Dharmishta and Anna.  We are going to be studying the mechanisms of Peer-production. This is foundational research for web-collaboration.  No one has well studied reasons why a given group would succeed or fail.  I feel that I am pretty far behind when it comes to academic experience or credentials, but bring a lot of experience in peer-production groups, organization and structure.

The structure of the research I will reveal after our next meeting, Thursday (if I survive until then).

Firefox 3.0 Speed Increases with explanation and documentation


I have at various times edited the about:config sections of my Mozilla Firefox.  I’ve generally done so willy-nilly and simply followed any instructions I came upon at lifehacker or elsewhere.  These days I’m much more familiar with Mozilla’s documentation on about:config entries so I will use this post to document:

1.) What entries I am changing in about:config

2.) What these changes are really doing

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I plan to eat my own head.  Details at 11…

Some photos from the OLPC School-in-a-Box Jam


Seth Soldering

Tinker Toy Antenna

And many many many more photos (and videos) to come.  It was a great event and I look forward to visiting NYC again next weekend.

NYC Grassroots JAM


The amazing Mel Chua has wrangled together another Grassroots event .  This time I’m traveling to *her* event rather than the opposite.  I’m going to be at the Grassroots Jam working on community structures, facilitating any content volunteers and doing a little hardware hacking with the XO+Arduino .

At 1cc, news to come


I have arrived in Boston safely! I have been taking photos avidly and I’m working on processing them all and telling you all about how I’m doing :)  I having a lot of fun here!

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