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Archive for the 'personal' Category

Taft, you’re an inspiration to us all


Oh Taft you’re an inspiration to us all. Just LOOK at that mustache!

Taft, you're an inspiration to us all

in which Seth rediscovers domestication


Plain SALT, by XO loooooooooong drawn out sigh

I have rediscovered what home feels like.

For most of my time in Boston, I had been living in the fabled Maker House. This wasn’t an inherently bad place, I met some really amazing people there. But I was rarely there. I was spending 12+ hours at the office, and then a few other places around MIT and 1cc. I’ve learned amazing amounts, and accomplished some incredible things, but this was hardly sustainable.

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Comment from my day: figlet


isforinsects@isfor-science:~/git$ figlet if you cant generate big letters using ascii you are an inferior non-human being

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Social media tools for ’causes’


Education in Iraq Lately, I’ve been using flickr, twitter, and mailman as tools for my favorite cause. So far I’ve seen some neat results from using these that I don’t see a lot of others doing.  I will document some of the ways that I have been using these, and hopefully others will follow suit.

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Hello berkman center


I started at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society this past Friday, bringing my jobcount to roughly four.

At Berkman I will be working for Yochai Benkler.  Slightly under Aaron Shaw and Tim Hwang.  And with Roxy Roxie, Yael, Ayelot, Dharmishta and Anna.  We are going to be studying the mechanisms of Peer-production. This is foundational research for web-collaboration.  No one has well studied reasons why a given group would succeed or fail.  I feel that I am pretty far behind when it comes to academic experience or credentials, but bring a lot of experience in peer-production groups, organization and structure.

The structure of the research I will reveal after our next meeting, Thursday (if I survive until then).

Christmas trees = Evil


Does anyone remember that christmas tree that I ended up totaling my auto to avoid?  Well to all of you back seat drivers who told me I should have it the stupid tree:

tree = fail

Why XO?


I’ve been very very busy as of late.  I have been volunteering with the One Laptop Per Child Project, doing content and grassroots type stuff.  Its a great project, and I love it very much, but it takes a lot of out me.  I haven’t really had time to post here or any of the other blogs I’ve set up.

I am going to make an effort to document the work that I am doing at my blog on the OLPC:   My fist post is about some of the work that I’ve been doing, namely a Dinosaur Ebook.  OLPC is always looking for more volunteers, so drop me a line if you want to help out in any way, even if you don’t know how.

Conversations about Crisco, or why Google is starting to Scare me


Before you get all grossed out and stuff. It’s in reference to
Hey, I don't make the rules.  It's in the book!

aanway. Platonic-friend becky are talking about hanging out this weekend, and that we’d better have something to do, or we’re gonna have to whip out the Crisco.

The creepy part is how my gmail processed the message.

A little backstory, google reads your mail. In gmail they read your messages and give you advertising based on the contents of your email. Weeeeell I got this ad…

5 star saddle pad
Up to 75% discount, $9.99 Cotton, quilted, wither protection

Does google equate crisco conversations with riding someone like a horse? Where in the entire history of my gmail account have I ever expressed a need for a saddle blanket? Really?

Either Google or have figured out that Crisco + Me = being ridden like a horse…

This disturbs the hell out of me.

Greetings MySpace & Facebook peoples! (part two)


Pictures are very important on Facebook and Myspace. But in both places, I don’t have incredible exposure, and photos are only really viable by one’s friends. So I prefer to have my photos on Flickr. Flickr is a Yahoo property (bleh) that has great search and tagging abilities. If you don’t have an account, get one. My paid account literally allows me unlimited uploads. Anyway, enough selling.

I bought a Nikon d40 some months ago. It’s an entry level DSLR with a very nice kit lens. And I’ve taken several thousand photos with it since then. And I would like to take several thousand more. I’ve photographed two weddings, to mixed results:

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Greetings MySpace & Facebook peoples! (part one)


I know I’ve been out of touch, but I’d love to get back in touch with everyone that I haven’t seen in forever. I let it be know on MySpace and Facebook that I want people to read my blog, if they feel so inclined, and that if they did, I would talk about myself. I’d like to give people a little update to the world of Seth if they’d like to read it. And for those of you who don’t really know me, this will be a great introduction.

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