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Archive for the 'trust' Category

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Love Letter to Fern

When I first started this audio blog, Fern asked me to keep private life out of it. But I feel badly that she is left out. I asked her permission to post this love letter to her .

Just Put Trevor on the Train

Thoughts about next steps after four intense days of Jamaican Voices.

Future of Legal Education

I’ve been thinking about Rick Matasar’s vision of future for legal education. (3 min)

I share his vision with amendment. We are global, not national. Legally speaking, we are nothing but our brand, un-owned yet owned collectively.

eon becomes a blog in text as well as audio. I feel myself begin to relax into the medium. Metaphorically, I am sending you an email each day. Editor Myself my form, comfortable in audio, warming up to text, and to the two in combination. I want to post my email to Rick Matasar but worry that if one does business in the open, business may not get done, a worry that space in time is needed to think twice and confer before going public. Blogging seems to threaten collapse of positive latency to a current reality.


Jamaica Agenda

I explain the enterprise . (10 min 45 sec)

Jamaica Voices

Jamaica Voices, to help light up a global explosion of creativity by modelling the process of listening to others enabled to express themselves in cyberspace, and of using the process to do meaningful research and construction on issues fundamental to constitution of the space.

Jamaica Voices will help convey a message to the United States Supreme Court. Give Teammates a node on the net filter through DCS on the way out, no net coming in exept through public media, radio stations like RootsFM. Model for Kevin the call in show, or for Rosimund to put it in other hands and let it go.


Trevor Rhone

Abdel Wright

Kevin Wallen

Rosamund Brown

Commissioner Reese

Rehabilitation Driector Gile Campbell

Camella Rhone

2 documentarians

Desmond Green

John Prescod

Dave Kusek

Schedule covering three days Feb 27-28-Mar 1

Sunday, Feb 27
Morning free for worship services
Afternoon Bus Tour of Cambridge and Boston
Evening orientation to project Jamaica Voices at Nesson home

Monday, Feb 28
Morning training workshops on blogging (text and audio) in a broadband environment and in prison (at Berkman Center)
Afternoon training workshops on use of information processing tools (at Berkman Center)
Evening dinner at Harvard Faculty Club

Tuesday, Mar 1
Morning visit to Berklee School of Music
Afternoon panels of Jamaica Voices (Ames Courtroom)
Evening Readings and Songs from Jamaican Voices (Adams House Pool Theater)

Workshops and panels led by Berkman Faculty and Fellows

Berkman Center pays for travel, accommodations, some meals
Guests are staying at the Friendly Inn

Trust Study in Jamaican Prisons

Just posted to John Clippinger and the Wisefolk he assembled to work on Social Physics:

I propose a research project on trust formation. This seems to the close to the core of Clip’s thesis. Would anyone be willing to help organize such a study, focused on inmates in Jamaica’s prisons? Consider a new inmate entering the General Penetentiary in Kingston Jamaica for the first time. Who does he trustat the start? How are bonds of trust established and maintained? I believe we would have full cooperation from inmates and from Jamaica’s Department of Corrections to do such a study, including opportunity for inmates to express the relationship between trust and knowledge/product-formation in digital media.