So Far the Best Christmas Ever.

Because of my mid-year graduation date, and because it’s fast approaching, I’ve starting sorting through the things I’ve kept in storage at my dad’s apartment in order to make room for the things presently in Cambridge. Initially, I thought this would be tedious and somewhat personally embarrassing [in much the same way rereading a paper I’ve written for a class is once I’ve received the graded version is embarrassing]. But this has been an absolute joy.

After an early Christmas dinner my sister and Jon sped off for dinner with his family. My father and Laurie shuttled off for one of their close friend’s holiday feast, leaving me with the Prius, some shrimp, and several plastic bins of my stuff, including a compact disc compilation of the Zombies greatest hits. As soon as the door shut, the carols were traded in for the Time of the Season.

The great thing about rifling through my former self’s things on Christmas is this: it’s like receiving lots of new[-ish] gifts that you really, really like, because, after all, you wouldn’t have gone through all that trouble to save it if you didn’t. I’ve found a whole bunch of clothes from senior year of high school and freshman year of college, even a suit, that still fit. Looks like I’ll be nattily fitted when DJ and I head back to Dorchester for Christmas beers with the Irish.

Liz, DJ, and I drove in to the Banshee on Dot Ave last night to celebrate my birthday. Sarah and Leah from Leverett joined the celebration and brought along their friend from Latin School, Kasha. We stole away to the upstairs, which we had to ourselves, except, perhaps, for the occasional patron in search of the bathroom.

Once the Banshee closed down for the night, Liz and DJ and I trekked nineteen miles down the street in search of a pizza place. We retrieved among the worst pizzas I’ve ever had. Despite its low-grade cheese and excessive oil, I managed to finish three slices. While waiting for the pizza, however, Donald ran into Mike, who, as luck would have it, bartends at the Banshee, and will be there, as a matter of fact, tonight. He has even offered free drinks.

Free stuff, free drinks, and the Zombies. Not a bad Christmas at all.