Greetings from Malinkrodt.

I’m here with two Andrews, from the math department, wishing you a silent hello from within the grad lounge of the chemistry department [where we study has pingpong, not pool]. The keyboard here is exceedingly sticky.

I started off tonight in Boston with Michelle, fresh from her friend Sarah’s wedding, and Mary, who is sick. We moved to JP for dinner. I fell asleep twice on the T, but, mind you, they were two different trains.

[Andrew just scratched on the break, thrice. But the game is now back on track.]

Lisa and [her husband] Emily just joined us at Shay’s. Only Lisa continued to Noir.

In the Chemistry lounge refridgerator, you can find a full bottle of balsamic vinegarette, a container of red pepper soup from Trader Joe’s, half a 16 oz. Sprite [I guess that makes 8 oz. or less], and a third of a bottle of Absolut vodka.

There are some oranges that have a note which reads “Do Not Eat,” as well.

I never talked about spinors. That has been postponed until Wednesday.

The guard took our IDs; I hope he returns them.

[This mouse lacks the scroll button in the middle. I hate that. I really, really do.]