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To-Do List: Shop, Pay Bills, Organize Brain

MR. ALLEN’S prescription includes systems for getting all obligations – for work, home, hobbies – collected and written down in one place. (Actually doing them, of course, is a different matter.) With ResultsManager, users are encouraged to create a MindManager “map” for each project or obligation they take on – planning a vacation, making sales calls, writing a report. The related activities for each project are thus grouped in one place, but the program can sweep through all the projects and produce a functional “dashboard” of tasks to be done today, tasks that can be done at a computer, tasks of the highest priority and so on. It works better than it might sound. With some difficulty, items in the dashboards can be synchronized with the task list in Microsoft Outlook.

Both of these visually oriented and, therefore, right-brain programs take getting used to and require tinkering to bring out their best. That is why my left brain accepts them, too.

Estoy pensando en una entrada sobre la muerte (o no) de una “serendipity”, anal

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