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Silence is Golden

SK Glenn Davis to describe his weeklong silent retreat, and he’s almost at a loss for words. Here, finally, is what he comes up with: “It’s the best vacation I’ve ever had.”

A fan of the Transcendental Meditation courses, oil massages and herbal treatments offered by the Raj, an ayurvedic spa in Fairfield, Iowa, Mr. Davis, 53, a car dealer in Richboro, Pa., eagerly signed on six years ago when he learned of a program that would let him experience the classes and bodywork in silence. “The whole idea behind T.M. is that you’re silent during the meditation, and this was a chance to be in silence for an entire week. It’s so restful,” said Mr. Davis, who has also attended silent retreats in Livingston Manor, N.Y., and Heavenly Mountain Resort near Boone, N.C., sometimes accompanied by a friend in the construction business. “Your whole life is focused outward, and this was an opportunity to get to a very deep state of rest. You don’t realize how much effort it takes to talk until you’re not doing it.”

Este fin de semana lo he pasado, las 48 horas, sin decir palabra. Dos frases imprescindibles: “Big coffee and a blueberry muffin, please”, “a refill please”, y una no prevista, cuando me preguntaron d

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