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StudentsOccupy the State House.


@StudentsOccupy gatherered at the Dewey Square Park of the Greenway where @OccupyBoston had camped. [1][2][3][4][5]

We marched through the narrow streets of the financial district often occupying the entire street and blocking traffic. The police used sirens and drove a paddy wagon into the middle of us. We arrived at the State House a bit after 2:00. With respect for Jane Doe White Ribbon Day to end violence against women. We did not rally at that time. We marched around the Common.

We returned to the Hooker entrance of the State House and had a speak out until the Rangers told us would could not peacefully assemble there. So we lined up at the metal detectors  and proceeded into the State House. We arrived a half hour earlier than our liason had told the Jane Doe White Ribbon Day folks. A ranger said we could stage in a hall area and headed in. [6][7]

Most of us were on the main floor of Nurse’s Hall, but a small contingent from Tactical dropped banners from the balcony.[8][9] Police and Rangers moved in and instructed Tactical to pull up the banners which they did, briefly. Every banner that disappeared, reappeared somewhere else on the balcony a few moments later. This went on for about 15 minutes while chanting and speak outs occurred on the main floor. @StudentsOccupy were careful to connect their core issues with other Occupy issues including the Jane Doe White Ribbon Day and Underwater Subprime Mortgage Debt. The State House News Service was there.

We left through the Hooker entrance.

Occupy Boston marches with Oakland
Joys and Sorrows of Occupy Boston I: It’s Alive!

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