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Lousy Smarch Weather

I wonder what today’s heavy rain turning into sleet did to the forsythia I saw in full bloom on Oxford Street yesterday? Or at least, I think it was a forsythia.

forsythia march 8th

It’s pretty cool and audacious to have your flowers this early. They’re especially striking, too: they must be some fancy garden variety. The four petals are long and curled — almost confetti-like — and the sepals are a very bright red.

I wonder why they like to flower so early? I certainly haven’t seen any flying bugs yet this year, and wouldn’t expect such a fancy-looking flower to be wind-pollinated. Most forsythia species are originally Asian, so my best guess is there must be some Asian bug who does the job.

11 Responses to “Lousy Smarch Weather”

  1. Ezra Cooper Says:

    Like a lot of photos recently, this one seems to have a bluish glow in the bottom corner. Is it something in the Cantabridgian air?

  2. Desultor Says:

    I’m can’t remember too well what the weather was like that day but, I think it was Cantabrigian, a word which here means “overcast”. Overcast makes blue?

    Also, the concrete which looks especially blue is also Cantabrigian, which in this paragraph has taken on the meaning “of the finest, darling”. It’s the kind with a nice, smooth, even handfeel. If I think about its color as anything but gray, I guess “bluish” would be my first guess.

    But so you know the pic is a cameraphone pic. The color might just be that. Shrouded in mystery!

  3. Tityrus Plex Says:

    Yay! Desultor’s back!
    Mightn’t the blue foxing have something to do with whatever lens said cameraphone uses? It would seem to “read” less information from the edges, more from the center: hence the heightened color generally in the middle (note that nice green), and the duller colors at the periphery (hence the blueness).
    One sees very similar effects in old photographs, many of which have that lovely penumbra lapping at their edges…

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