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~ Archive for Gadgets ~

iPhone 3Gs are cracking up


iPhone 3G with crack

The iPhone 3G is a big deal for me. I was getting prepped to switch over from Verizon to Cingular just for the new, white-backed 16GB model. However, news of the devices cracking are popping up everywhere. Not a good sign.

Which brings up my primary caveat with the iPhone 3G: why replace the classic metal backing for plastic? Sure, the plastic is high density, less likely to dent than the previous model, but along with plastic comes a whole other set of problems–with cracking being a significant one. Certainly, the original iPhone made a stride forward, replacing the previous high-scratchable chrome backing for a brushed aluminum. So why take a step backwards?

my new camera


Samsung NV4 Silver
I got my new camera today, the Samsung NV4, a nice upgrade to my sadly broken NV3. The form factor is about the same. Decent size, decent width. The GUI is definitely pumped up a bit, and I got a nice additional megapixel out of the upgrade. Gone are the two “knob” speakers that were present on the NV3, which seemed to confuse everyone who thought the speakers were buttons. Instead one speaker remains, and the other got switched out for the mode selection dial. (more…)

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