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When a Tech Guy Seeks to Remodel His Swimming Pool…

As you know, I am a colossal web critic. One poor web experience is enough to make me boycott a company’s products and inevitably beckons the early arrival of the curmudgeon inside me.

My personal home improvement project for this summer is to remodel my home pool, lay a deck of stamped concrete, and build a spa. These projects surpass my handyman abilities, therefore meeting with contractors, picking their brains to judge their competence, and doing online research is what will fill my time. In the remodeling business the average revenue per customer acquisition is, depending on the locale, somewhere between $25K and $40K. So you would think that developing a compelling web experience for potential customers would be a highly achievable and profitable venture; yet most of the pool renovators’ websites are no more professional than those of your local lawn mowing service.

I did prevail in finding highly informative sites with well-structured content that even deserve to be used as illustrations for aspiring designers and entrepreneurs.

Take a look at the following pages:

Can you see how they want you to really “feel” their products and services? They don’t just show you a few samples of tiles/surfaces in low resolution images, they give you the full catalog, dozens and dozens of high resolution pictures to get your internal design juices flowing and dreaming about color combinations and contrasting surfaces from the pool to the deck, deck to the spa, spa to the pool, etc.

Ok this mini rant is over. Time to get the creative juices brewing again.

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