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Good reviews on the Intel-based MacBook


With the recent influx of marketing by Apple on its products (actually enjoy seeing those Apple v. PC commercials on TV – quite amusing), it has me looking at purchasing a MacBook.  Being such a PC user for so long, I have gotten so accustom to all the quirks of the PC.  These Apple commercials, while quite funny, are cleverly design to hit all the issues that really bother me about the PC, with the latest one actually dealing with translation to foreign languages (depicted through the use of a Japanese lady).

As I talk with colleagues recently, many have actually made the migration over from the PC world – with the standard reasons – less headaches, easier, less fuze, etc. 

The recent reviews on the Intel-based MacBook have also been quite positive:  good feedback on the speed, battery life and look/feel of the product.

So, with the few key tradeoffs (for me) in the lack of integration with other media products I have (many being Sony products) and the weight of the MacBook, its likely the next product I buy.  why not – the best of both worlds with less the headaches…

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