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The Ice Rink, etc. and a Crappy Economy

Just a brief word about the Ice Rink and similar perks that we enjoy here at HLS.  We’ve had a fair number of questions from students about what type of changes we can expect next year, given the state of the economy.  We’ve been talking extensively with various offices in the Administration about what to expect from next year and it is not all happy news.  Basically, across the entire University, offices and departments are being instructed to cut at least 10% from their next year’s budgets, and in some cases much more.  They are also being told to plan for even higher cuts in the year after.  In the end, when they are looking at perks vs. laying people off, nothing is off the table.

So, what does this mean for us?  Well, certainly we may have to give up some of the perks we’ve come to expect, and maybe even take for granted, here at HLS.  That being said, there are three important things to keep in mind.  First, the Adminstration seems committed to making the cuts in a manner that is least impactful to the students as possible.  Second, we in the Student Government are committed to helping bring as much transparency to the process as possible.  We want to find out as much as we can about how, what, and why the cuts that are being considered are being considered and share that information with you.  And third, we hope that we can act as a voice for the student body in any of the discussions that involve budget cuts.  It is our experience that the Administration genuinely wants to know what the student body’s preferences and concerns are when it comes to budget cuts, and we hope that you will share any of your thoughts and concerns with us so that we can be sure the Administration hears them.

As always, we hope you’ll share your thoughts.


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1 Comment

  1. Randy

    April 28, 2009 @ 7:30 pm


    Cut the skating rink.

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